Thursday, December 31, 2009

Calling All White Blood Cells

Weds Chemo got a little complicated since my white blood cell count dropped to 1,000. A little low for chemo docs comfort. I pleaded with them not to skip a treatment, cause that would prolong the finish line. They negotiated with me and agreed to let me have my chemo if I would come in every day for the next five days and get a shot that would increase my white cell production. So I agreed to that.
As I was leaving treatment I found out there were issue with my health insurance going into a new they suggested I get the supper dooper dose of just one shot which is the equivalant of five and just tough it up. Being the poster child I am I agreed. SO...I just got the shot. I didn't feel anything. Side effects are bone pain and ache and I have a good supply of pain killers to get me through the week-end.
No big plans for New Years Eve this year. It's a Blue Moon tonight (which means a white moon only two full moons in one month) how cool is that. Just a little trivia from your mountain woman.
I just made a killer pot of miso soup. My kids are in Denver to bring in the new year and Then both fly to Israel for a one month adventure on Sunday.


Saturday, December 26, 2009


Sorry to be so lame in updating this but its hard not to dwell on the best of times and forget that I am fighting a fight and not just living the dream! I swear most of the time I would forget I had cancer if I didn't look in the mirror or if Julia wasn't following me around with the camera. Julia does remind me from time to time that its my attitude that prevails since she does have to deal with the side effects on a day to day basis, be it chemo brain or just downright denial and stubornness. But the truth is in the hair. Its a little bit like a chia pet.

It has been a great holiday. No shortage of eggnog, whiskey, good friends, wild turkeys, snow, and miracles.

We are getting to count down range .....7 more chemo treatments...Feb. 24th !!! I don't even have to take my shoes off to track that.

I love you all...carry on! Party like Rock Stars into 2010..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Sorry to keep you all in suspense but with out a camera it was hard to come up with any note worthy news. The last 10 days were primarily tests, ranging from an MRI of the Brain to PT-CT scan of the body and a echo-EKG checking the heart. The Biggest best news is that 98% of all the 8 hot spots are GONE---in remission. The only sign of cancer is a slight stress mark on my left hip. It is hardly visible. The heart is fine as is the brain.
I DO STILL HAVE to finish all the chemo treatments through Feb. They will repeat the scan one more time at the end of treatment. But for now I could not be happier and there could not have been better news today. All your good thoughts, prayers and candles played a big role in this outcome, I just know. Wishing you all the best of Holidays in whatever you believe.
I am thankful for all your thoughts and promise you none of them are wasted. I may get my camera back next week and promise to get some snaps to brighten up this blog.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I think my body has forgotten or is unaware that I was diagnosed with cancer! Sounds like me being crazy right? Let me just run down what I did this past week, aside from working every day. My night life so to speak.
Tuesday- cocktails and dinner with a dear old pal from the DA's office
Weds- Dinner in Denver and YO-YO MA with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra with my dear friend Jan Jackson ( a late birthday celebration). nothing short of AMAZING!!
Thursday- Bruce Hornsby and the Noise Makers at the Boulder Theatre with dinner before with old friends.
Friday- pick up Kenan at the airport and dinner out with Dana and Uncle Kenan on Pearl Street.
Saturday- Jan Jackson's Christmas party.
Sunday- Dinner with the kids and Uncle Kenan at home....
And I feel great!!! The ominous cough is GONE!!! Clean the ducts in your house!
Work is good, low interest rates continue to fuel a busy office. It's kind of fun to save people money this time of the year.
I am not sure what to make of all my energy but I embrace it and all my friends that I can celebrate with.
I love you all!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

electronic chaos takes hold

I am powering through chemo despite electronic failures all around me... everything from my camera, to my iphone, to my back up cell phone, is either in a repair shop or not working. there must be some meaning to this...maybe the chemo is focusing on more than just me. .If that is the case its very effective.

I had a great Thanksgiving with Julia's parents. A 23lb turkey for 5 people. Need I say more. I rallied out to watch the CU Buffaloes loose once again on Friday to Nebraska but it was 65 degrees out...
What is usually a less than great day ( Saturday ) I rallied myself to the apple store, the bank, the book store and a talk and book signing by Amy Goodman from Democracy Now. It was great. finished the night with a little sake and sushi.

So YES...I am getting my head around this ride and feel really strong. I am determined to defy the cumulative effect of chemo. Even my hair is attempting to grow back (with a loose definition of attempting and growing) still looks real goofy.

Without photos this gets a bit dry.. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that the Holidays before us shine bright in your homes. I feel the love so just keep it coming.
loads of Love to all of you

Thursday, November 19, 2009


wow! A great week to have a break from chemo and I did my best to take full advantage of it.

Since I know a dangerous number of scorpios there is no shortage of folks to celebrate with. My dear friend Cheri started it off at the beginning of the week with Sushi to die for and copious amounts of Saki.

Meg Hansson, who some of you know, shares my birthday so we had a lovely dinner with her, her son (who went to CRMS with me ions ago) and Dana celebrated over Mexican food. I was back to drinking water at this point.

Matt and Dana reserved Monday night and together cooked an amazing meal Matt cooks Kenan style..heavy on the butter, garlic, and creme but fresh scallops and shrimp and salmon served over pasta...Not to be up stage, Dana did an amazing salad and broccoli dish.

And then there was my actual birthday where two dear old friends that I never see enough of took me to dinner at the MED. Just as we were finishing up..from behind me came a loud chorus of" happy birthday" led by Dana and all her good buddies from high school and college. They had the entire restaurant applauding. And a candle to blow out, and poof, they all vanished into the night out the front door. It was so sweet and such a surprise.

Apologies for the blurry shots, I am having some technical difficulties with my camera settings. I promise to have that fixed soon (thank god for all of Dana's techie friends).

And yes it is Thursday and I charged through chemo yesterday with a big chaser of a lot of sleep. So I am charged up and ready to hit the office.
Thanks for all the birthday messages and calls. You are all my source of fuel and optimism. All the news thus far is good news so keep on doing whatever it is you are doing.
loads of love


Matt and Mom
Susanna and Dana make cookies with "green Butter" eater BEWARE!
Scrumptious Gourmet Dinner ala Matt and Dana

Danger, Danger! eating fashionably late!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


To all my fellow CU fans....Yes the Buffalos won today and I had stunning tickets to watch it, thanks to brother Kenan (Dr. Mango). It was a glorious sunny November day and it sure beat the way I spent last Saturday. So maybe the mind can out do the body...I had my mind set on feeling good enough to go to the game and it worked.
Now I am home and feel whoooped! No celebrating for me tonight.
I am making good progress re-defining my belief system that got pretty shattered the past 3 months. No details to share but progress.
This is my week off chemo
lets all raise a glass and celebrate the 10 days to come and November skies.
Lots of love

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It feels so good to wake up and feel so good. I had a god awful week-end. Lets just say it was very horizontal, for all the wrong reasons, and I became one with the bed. Or as Bob Dylan said "when you ain't got nothing you got nothin to loose".

So moving right along, on a brighter note, the snow is melted, the skies are blue, I just had a delicious yoghurt and toast breakfast, a hot cup of tea, a hot shower, and I am ready to take on the office. I think there a 7 boys working in the office this week. Never a dull moment.

There was a "shave your head" movement in empathy of me. Most of the guys wanted to wait to Halloween to make the most of it. Here is the winning look....A white, skinny, version of Mr. T.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Snow mixed with Great News

What a difference a day makes.....24 inches and it is still coming down. Just as there are no snow day s for chemo nor are there ones for the mortgage loan processor. Getting ready to get our form under the five comforters and head into town. But Wait....... I had great news yesterday from my doctor regarding my blood work. and with out going into great detail my tumor markers showed an incredible response to the treatment. Its not often you see these docs actually get excited. They will redo the PT scan in December after 6 or so more treatments and that should be very revealing. But, all in all, its looking good.

Kenan suggested i be a cancer cell for Halloween and I am trying to visualize just how that looks. Any other ideas. It seems i am pretty scary just as is so I just may stick to me and call it Schenade Oconnor or better yet how about Fester from the Adams Family..thats kind of timely is it not.
Off to attack the snow and all that comes with it...adventure in the high rockies!
love to yu all

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crossroads- Where Ecuador meets Italy meets Cancer.

The blurr is gone for now. Feeling a little clearer. Another week has come and gone. I always think its Friday on Tuesday cause I feel so good, and have Weds off of work and just want to go out and have fun before facing tomorrow. It is snowing, just as the weatherman said it would. We might get 7 inches or more. no snow days at the chemo lab. Time to hunker down under a down comforter. What should I be for Halloween?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


the blur is kinda of how I feel. A little sea sick. But...that said I finished week #5 (but whose counting)

My liver was not responding quite the way the American Cancer Society(the sponsor of the study I WAS in) so I had to drop out of the study. Not that big a deal, especially since it was a double blind test so you don't know if you are getting the real thing or the placebo nor does the Dr.

At any rate the chemo and basic protocal remains the same. And there is nothing alarming about my liver blood counts just they have very rigid requirements and I am a Block so who would expect a perfect liver count. So much for offering myself to medicine.

Got a full day of work in. Katie Bachman and Preston surprised me at work with a hot cup of Camomille Tea and a scone which did wonders for my tummy. Katie is leaving next week to go to Ecuador to travel with Dana and escort her home November 8th. Bet you can't tell I am excited to have her back after 13 months in South America.

I am hanging tight. Getting more comfortable in my own skin and lack of hair. Its getting to be fun. Sleeping well. Eating ok. Taking my vitamins and supplements. Life is good.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


GETTING READY TO CALL IT A NIGHT knowing that I have to be there at 7:50 am to get the show on the road. Tomorrow is the beginning of round two so its a big day that starts with drawing blood, peeing in a cup, getting weighed, checking my blood to see that my liver returned to a non-drinking level, a visit with the Doctor which is always fun and interesting. A chance to ask those questions that come up in your dreams, when you are walking, or watching TV. And then its time to get comfortable on the deck of the cruise ship for 5 hours of chemo. The good thing about starting early is you get the leather recliner with a view (even though tomorrow is suppose to be a grey, cold, snowy day.

Dana bean and I typically have a skype date on chemo days around noon so we do the video thing. She gets to see Boulder and I get to see Ecuador. It puts it all in a very interesting, worldly perspective and makes the time fly...

I arrived at work monday with a rhasta dreadlock hat on but the boys would not be fooled and insisted on seeing the skin and get a rub in for good luck. Its become a bit of a ritual around the office. For those of you who know me I am not good at keeping a hat or scarf on all day. Julia has gotten me some killer earrings to break up the monotony.

So no need to worry from lack of postings. Sorry I scared a few of you with that break the other week. No great photos today but I will work on that. Thanks for all the comments...I mean that. Every chuckle and smile goes along ways these days.
You are all in my thoughts as well
Keep the candles burning
loads of love

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I found the strength to fire up y car, get out of work friday early to go spend the weekend with my cousin from St, Louis who has a mountain house up by Beaver creek. She was in town with her daughter, a friend and her daughter. 4 could I go wrong. I my own out of town I took an impulsive detour to dela with the hair...on my pillow, in my food, in the drain, I had all I could take. $15.oo and a quick stop at cost cutters. Done! As I went to pay for it a young girl in front of me said " Good Luck" and as i made my way to the register they told me she had paid for my haircut. Pretty touching. I figured a week-end in the mountains with 4 girls would be a good time to digest it all and I was right about that. I don't know why shaving your head or loosing your hair is so hard. But it just might be one of the hardest parts of the entire ordeal. Even having done it before. I guess were all pretty vain and our hair is a big part of that vanity. so. go ahead and scroll down and see the full monty.

I could not get this image to rotate.
very frustrating. Use your imagination.
Aspen trees...

It was a great week-end, great weather, fun gals. The youngsters challenged to three games of ping pong. You will be glad to know I beat em all three.
Here I am. Hiking the tall peaks and
trails of Beaver creek. Yes I did put sunscreen on my ears. Yes it is a little on the cold side. I have a hat in my back pocket, I was just trying to get some vitamin E and give it a little color. Now I know how those buddhist monks must feel.

And guess who just sent me an e-mail about borsolino berets from Italy...none other than Daniel the prince.

Round one (4 weeks) behind me. 5 more rounds to go(20 weeks) but whose counting. I love you all

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So I have been so bad about posting. Remember "no news is good news". This was actually my week off so I go in but only get a quick infusion of a drug not considered chemo. Last week they skipped one of the Chemos (Taxol) because my liver count was too high. It hadn't occured to me to not drink any alcohol during this stint. Needless to say, chemo and alcohol are not a good mix on the liver. My blood counts came racing down this week and by next week I should be good to go. I spend a good deal of time tired but I am hanging in there. I miss that 5th gear but am sure it will be back soon enough. We have had all kinds of weather...freezing snow, fog, and today sunshine.
the library is all but closed down with everything sold (almost)
My hair is thinning....I am trying my best to postpone the reality of scarfs, etc...but postpone is the operative word here.
Morgan my cat continues to keep both eyes on me. Julia is learning more about cancer than she ever signed up for but thats what good friends are all about.
Keep all those good thoughts coming and the candles burning
love to you all

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Gourmet Magazine ceases publication, closes, ...little coffee shop in Boulder Colorado closes.
there is some logic in the madness and I am in good company let there be no doubt!

Monday, October 5, 2009

MONDAY MONDAY Saying good by to an era

It was a great ride....but life does goes on....

What a great week-end. Was able to rest enough and let the drugs do their work while mixing it up with great times with best friends. The highlite.....Matt called sunday morning with two free tickets (great seats) for Cirque de sole playing in Denver. So he came up and we got some serious inventory cleaning at the cafe and zooomed to Denver for a most entertaining show, dinner in the big city and he put me on a bus home where Julia met me at the bus stop. Now that is livin!! Got some nice walks in, some reading and am ready to bring on the week full speed.

I think I am finding my pace with the chemo and if this continues it will prove very manageable.
I still have a full head of hair...imagine that.
It is crisp and fall like outside
Really not much to say on the chemo front. I am a little preoccupied with closing a cafe that I ran for 13 plus years. A good distraction for the time being.

If any of you want to open a cafe somewhere I could hook you up!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Last week this time I felt all but dead so the good news.....I had no side effects from chemo this week. I had a great nights sleep last night and was able to work all day today!!!!!Thanks to all the nurses and doctors who paid attention and made a few adjustments to spare me the discomfort. The real proof is in the pudding so lets just hope next week will be the same and then I will be truly convinced.
Am staying busy closing up the library. An end to an era indeed but it feels ok. I may not have much to post this week if it just keeps going this smooth. Remember No news is good news and get out there and enjoy your life. I'm happy so you be happy too.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


he can no longer feel the lump in my clavicle and my cough is all but good so I suggested I was cured, we could run a few tests and call it all good.? Maybe DOc..Well i got a heartfelt laugh but not much the chemo goes on. I even described my recent encounter with Oral Roberts and the heal rountine (for those of you who remember those days) but he wrote that off to a aschkenazi  hindu or something.

Round two chemo finished. I can't sleep even with massive amounts af adavant, pot candy, who knows...I guess there is work to be done. Chemo was only 3 hours this time and I am feeling ok. They are working hard to fill me up with anti nauseau stuff so here is hoping that that will work. Sucking on ginger ain't too bad. drinking lots of water. 

While I have any energy I have my work cut out for me disposing of everthing at the cafe. BIG JOB but not too big for this retired Barista Babe. Bring it on.  I have a month to get it all wrapped up . Julia is helping and Matt is coming up on Sunday to lend a hand. It will be a cathartic experience in a sense..a good way. Hell of way to clean the plate for the new year.  
a cocktail snap from the cancer center and I will be back in touch.. Its not just a quick shot as you can see..more like a slow drip and they don't even offer you an olive or a twist. what has the world come too. Happy day to all..Thanks for taking the time to read this senselss rambling. Hugs to all.

professional update, first thing first

I wanted to let all of you know that effective  October 1st, Espress-Oh! will no longer be in operations. I want to thank all of you for your support and kindness over the past thirteen years. Due to both the economy and personal health issues I am no longer able to maintain the level of customer service and quality that has been so important to me for so very long. You have been such great friends and patrons that it makes it hard to really find the right words to put this in perspective. I am not sure exactly what I will do with myself without all your kind support and wishes.

I intend to try and continue working with a local mortgage company down the street on 13th between BMOCA and next door to the Map Gallery. I have a little desk in the back corner. We do home re-financing and mortgages for purchasing homes. If I can ever help any of you please give a call. It would do my heart good to save you some money out there in the jungle of finance and banks. Julia is working as an independent real estate agent and shares my thoughts, if there is any way she can be of service to any of you, she would be pleased to do so.

For those of you interested in following my fight against cancer for the second time, I have a

This is not a fun note to write but please know how much I have appreciated all your support and kindness over the years. Don't become strangers as I cannot live without all of your friendships and support.

Look forward to seeing you all.

May the force be with you!

Susanna  Block
#720-352-3661 cell

Boulder Lending Group
#303 440-1330

Julia Wrapp Realty
#303 875-0313

Monday, September 28, 2009


A QUOTE FORM MY LATE FATHER.  So...I do feel great and actually enjoyed a glorious Sunday of fall weather, walking the track, enjoying a good day off.  So there is life after the side effects of chemo.

I put a full day in the office today (the mortgage company) and it felt swell. We are real busy with these historically low interest rates and the boys have a keen way of keeping me busy with new loan after new loan. No complaints... otherwise known as job security. 

There will be a pattern of good days/bad days and I am thinking it will be the good Sat night thru thursday night with Friday and Saturday reserved for checking out into a dark quiet room. All in all that doesn't seem undoable. 

I  have a good appetite and attitude and will be ready for Weds. It starts off at 8:15 am with a lab exam where they get all the blood and then an appt.  with my oncologist before the 6 hour chemo drip begins. It promises to be another long day but hopefully I will get a few chapters under my belt for my Mortgage brokers lisc. exam that I am trying to study for. 

Cheers to all and a Happy new year to you MOT's out there. Hope your fasts were painless and your breakfasts were fabulous.


Saturday, September 26, 2009


Your friend, the invincible one, got a wake up call...24hrs after chemo it seemed every possible side effect kicked in. I of course thought that was impossible and hadn't  bothered to read the volumes that they sent home with me...without going into the gory details I ended up back at the Cancer Center the moment they opened on Friday looking nothing like their poster child of Weds. Tey wheeled in the IV of anti nauseau meds, liquids, adavant, you name it...and I woke up 4 hours later feeling at least alive with a heart beat. 

Since then I have been sleeping..feeling better but tired and noodle like.  Its a drop dead gorgeous Saturday in Boulder. Fall leaves in the breeze and I just made my way downstairs and managed to eat a garden salad and fresh blueberries thanks to MJ's brillant suggestion " can you eat even if you don't feel hungry?" never really thought of that and it was brillant...I am eating!!

Julia is being a great sport, cleaning, driving, feeding me and wondering how one so wound up like me got so wound down, and what I would do with out her. I'm not sure what I would do.  Don't underestimate those chemo drugs...they are nasty nasty.

So heres hoping the first week will be the worst...The cocktail will be different next week, and the doctors and my body will figure this out sooner than later. 

I thought of leaving  episode out all together , hoping its the only one so grim, but then that would make me seem tougher and stronger than I really am. 
Love ya all


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Thursday morning I am up and at em off to work...Yesterday was a long day but honestly I don't feel any side effects whatsoever yet! Having done this before I do remember it takes 24hrs or so before I would notice any effects. So to make the best use of the feeling good times I am out the door. 

Next chemo is scheduled for Weds next week. It seems from my vital signs yesterday that I am receiving the real thing and NOT  the placebo for the study I am in.  We should be able to verify that next week. That's a good thing I think. Remember no news is good news!!!

lets all get out and try to make the world a better place!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday 9:03 AM update

What is it really like? Well..I am sitting in a leather reclining chair with an amazing view of the flatirons. its a gray cold day in Boulder. I have my MacBook in my lap, my i-pod with headphones in my ear playing Bob Dylan, a fine cup of black coffee, the Wall Street Journal...oh and I almost forgot , Benadryl, and chemo flowing freely via my port to my heart.  It really dosen't get much better. For someone who dosen't know sitting and taking it easy this is like living the dream .

I am suppose to be here for 7 hours today.  WOW! they have to run the drugs slowly to be sure there is no adverse reaction. So far so good. I don't know if I mentioned that I am part of a medical study with the American Cancer Society testing two drugs and how they work together.  Consequently they have to monitor my blood pressure, heart rate and temperature every 15 mins.  I have become a part of science. They also have to draw large amounts of blood for the study that are shipped on ice all over the country to various study sites. Pretty wild. They have a nurse (Pam) whose entire job is to monitor those of us in studies. There are only 5 or 6 people in studies at his center right now. 

The process is daunting with between 4 and six bags of clear liquid medications hanging from the I V each to drip away into me. I am feeling no pain, the nurses are great. 

Thanks for all your thoughts and good wishes. I have no doubt they are driving me. I may check back in at the end of the day. I have my phone with me and access to e-mail so feel to humor me.

love to all you


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Waiting and Ready

after a great wet, stormy week-end in Telluride with great people and Music I am home safe and warm ready to take on tomorrow. Chemo session #1 begins at 8am and should finish by2 or 3pm. I have good books to ready, my computer and a pillow.

I can think of many ways to spend this kind of money but then no body asked me to think so here we go.....

As you can see..old man winter has found his way to colorado!

Lets all be well!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Its been a great opportunity to pass time and I had a great invitation last week for "Adult Art Camp". It in volved Julia and I going to a friends house and playing with clay, drinking and eating and playing with clay. It was great fun.

In the mean time I have some news!

I have an appointment at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center (RMCC) which by the way is about 10 mins from my house, on Thursday morning at 8 am to go over the regiment.  My biopsy came back from the Mayo Clinic and I will be in a Trial. Its a bit complicated for you non-cancer folks but lets just say its a good thing...a drug test not chemo per say. At any rate, on Thursday they will review everything with me  and next Weds is the day. My chemo day will always be Wednesday every week.  The first two treatments will take 5-6 hours since they will have the drip set slowly to be sure I do not have a bad reaction and then they will open the gates and let it flow.  3  hours most likely. 

One less unknown to think about.

Julia, Jan and I are off to the mountain town in SE Colorado known as Telluride. Its a music festival named Blues n" Brews.  Need I say more...good music and good Beer. The fall colors and Aspen Trees should be in full bloom. Promises to be great fun. I will post photos. 

Just Know I am out there, not working too hard (seriously) and living the dream. Remember you can't finish till you start so I am ready to start. Weds it is!!!

I love you all!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long awaited GREAT NEWS!!!

  1. Julia accompanied me to the Dr. this afternoon to get the prognosis from all the tests, biopsy, MRI, etc...It is Great News in the scheme of things. Without going into great detail I will share the highlights.
  2. It is metastasized Breast Cancer not a new cancer.
  3. There is an 80% chance of 100% remission!!
  4. Chemo will start the week of Sept 21st.
  5. I will receive chemo every week for three weeks and one week off with just herceptin for 6 months.
  6. Yes I will lose my hair probably by Halloween.
  7. Herceptin is a drug (protein) that I will take for the rest of my life that fights to keep the cancer from coming back. They expect me to respond very well to it given my genes and circumstance.
Thank you all for all your good thoughts and wishes. I am feeling a great sigh of relief with the news. I have some good fun ahead until The chemo begins and it does not sound like an overwhelming protocol or anything I can't wrap my head around.

Please know I have GREAT Doctors, access to a great massage therapist, accupunturists, Clean air, great trails, good food, great friends and kids. All of this combined is a sure cure in my mind. 

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Take a Big deep breath

Breath deep and pooof...... exhale and BLOW !   Tell me that's not fun!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Julia and I moved this tree like plant in from the outside last night.  The temperatures have been dropping and it seemed like it might get cold. I awoke this morning to find this incredible blossom on the plant.  It seemed miraculous as there was no sign of it the night before and it somehow mirrored the painting behind it.
You gotta love nature.
We all need to get out and take in this long week-end.  In a world where we all work so hard and forget how to play.  So I am off to remember how to play. I never forgot nor will I. 

Thank you all for  your great wishes and prayers. You have no idea how strong I feel and How thankful I am that I know each and everyone of you.

I am still getting over the fact that I got this photo on this page. Thanks brother Daniel for the great tutorial. It all seems to be working.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

All the tests have been completed which is a huge relief to have behind me. Now its the waiting period for some final results.  the MRI of the brain came back clean which is great news.  I am still a confirmed nut case so it just goes to show the limitations of medicine and research.

Yesterday they very successfully did a  biopsy of the node on my lung. Nothing collapsed and I refrained from coughing during the procedure,  which was a good thing.   It will take a few days for the results of that to trickle its way down to the doctor. So in the meantime I have 5 days to enjoy myself, with no more tests.  I am feeling good. Just did a couple of miles on the tread mill and got my first shower after 4 days.

Daniel is off to Seattle. It was great having him here. many thanks to him for setting up this blog. More to come next week.  Until then
everybody get out and enjoy memorial week-end, the official end of summer. 
I have a full week-end of BBQS, fishing, resting and reading.  Wishing all of you the same


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colorado Columbine by Susanna Block July 2009 La Vita Co.

Since my last update...I have had a barrage of tests and exams, some more interesting than others.  I still do not have any final results to share. Daniel has been here from Italy all week and we are doing all the fun things people do in Boulder. 

Thanks to all of  you for  the phone calls and e-mails.

I could not pass up sharing my horoscope from the Boulder Weekly  with you:
What life will you be living at noon on september 1, 2014? Who will you be? How thoroughly will your dreams have come true? What kind of beauty and truth and love and justice will you be serving? Will you look back at the time between  August 27 and September 21, 2009 and sigh " if only I had initiated my Five Year Master Plan at that ripe astrological moment"?  Or on Sept 1, 2014 will you instead be able to crow, " I can truly say that in these past 5 years I have become the President of my own life"? 

With those thoughts...get out and enjoy this upcoming holiday week-end. 

Love to all of you from the heart of the Rockies. 

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Many of my friends have contacted me with their thoughts and concerns regarding my health.

 On Aug 20th, at a visit to my doctor concerning a persistent cough, a chest ex ray was ordered.
The exam showed some nodules on my lungs.
I was referred immediately to my cancer doctors who are doing different exams to help them better understand the extent and nature of the cancer and what will be the best 
options to take regarding my medication and therapy.

It has been a busy time but I am doing well. I have had a PET scan, blood tests and other exams and I will have a biopsy on Weds, September 2nd. All the results will be evaluated and I will be meeting with my doctors on Thursday September 3rd. My brother Daniel and my good friend Julia will be joining me for the evalation so I will have 2 extra sets of ears. We all know that du nile is not just a river in Egypt. As soon as I know what's up I will be sure to let you all know. Until then just think good thoughts.

In the mean time know my life is great and I am enjoying our great Boulder weather - wrapping up summer with great concerts, BBQ's. My brother, Daniel is also here visiting from Italy, and being his crazy self. 

I am planning  to take some days off for Blues and Brews Festival in Telluride  September 18-21.
Feel free to call or write and remember, No News is good News.