wow! A great week to have a break from chemo and I did my best to take full advantage of it.
Since I know a dangerous number of scorpios there is no shortage of folks to celebrate with. My dear friend Cheri started it off at the beginning of the week with Sushi to die for and copious amounts of Saki.
Meg Hansson, who some of you know, shares my birthday so we had a lovely dinner with her, her son (who went to CRMS with me ions ago) and Dana celebrated over Mexican food. I was back to drinking water at this point.
Matt and Dana reserved Monday night and together cooked an amazing meal Matt cooks Kenan style..heavy on the butter, garlic, and creme but fresh scallops and shrimp and salmon served over pasta...Not to be up stage, Dana did an amazing salad and broccoli dish.
And then there was my actual birthday where two dear old friends that I never see enough of took me to dinner at the MED. Just as we were finishing up..from behind me came a loud chorus of" happy birthday" led by Dana and all her good buddies from high school and college. They had the entire restaurant applauding. And a candle to blow out, and poof, they all vanished into the night out the front door. It was so sweet and such a surprise.
Apologies for the blurry shots, I am having some technical difficulties with my camera settings. I promise to have that fixed soon (thank god for all of Dana's techie friends).
And yes it is Thursday and I charged through chemo yesterday with a big chaser of a lot of sleep. So I am charged up and ready to hit the office.
Thanks for all the birthday messages and calls. You are all my source of fuel and optimism. All the news thus far is good news so keep on doing whatever it is you are doing.
loads of love
Matt and Mom
Susanna and Dana make cookies with "green Butter" eater BEWARE!
Scrumptious Gourmet Dinner ala Matt and Dana

Danger, Danger! eating fashionably late!