Saturday, September 26, 2009


Your friend, the invincible one, got a wake up call...24hrs after chemo it seemed every possible side effect kicked in. I of course thought that was impossible and hadn't  bothered to read the volumes that they sent home with me...without going into the gory details I ended up back at the Cancer Center the moment they opened on Friday looking nothing like their poster child of Weds. Tey wheeled in the IV of anti nauseau meds, liquids, adavant, you name it...and I woke up 4 hours later feeling at least alive with a heart beat. 

Since then I have been sleeping..feeling better but tired and noodle like.  Its a drop dead gorgeous Saturday in Boulder. Fall leaves in the breeze and I just made my way downstairs and managed to eat a garden salad and fresh blueberries thanks to MJ's brillant suggestion " can you eat even if you don't feel hungry?" never really thought of that and it was brillant...I am eating!!

Julia is being a great sport, cleaning, driving, feeding me and wondering how one so wound up like me got so wound down, and what I would do with out her. I'm not sure what I would do.  Don't underestimate those chemo drugs...they are nasty nasty.

So heres hoping the first week will be the worst...The cocktail will be different next week, and the doctors and my body will figure this out sooner than later. 

I thought of leaving  episode out all together , hoping its the only one so grim, but then that would make me seem tougher and stronger than I really am. 
Love ya all


1 comment:

  1. oh mama! i hope this phase comes to a quick end. it was so wonderful to catch you, even if for a brief moment, amongst the yellow aspens in telluride. you are so brave and it will shine through this process. i love ya sus!
