My liver was not responding quite the way the American Cancer Society(the sponsor of the study I WAS in) so I had to drop out of the study. Not that big a deal, especially since it was a double blind test so you don't know if you are getting the real thing or the placebo nor does the Dr.
At any rate the chemo and basic protocal remains the same. And there is nothing alarming about my liver blood counts just they have very rigid requirements and I am a Block so who would expect a perfect liver count. So much for offering myself to medicine.
Got a full day of work in. Katie Bachman and Preston surprised me at work with a hot cup of Camomille Tea and a scone which did wonders for my tummy. Katie is leaving next week to go to Ecuador to travel with Dana and escort her home November 8th. Bet you can't tell I am excited to have her back after 13 months in South America.
I am hanging tight. Getting more comfortable in my own skin and lack of hair. Its getting to be fun. Sleeping well. Eating ok. Taking my vitamins and supplements. Life is good.
Sus---You are a glorious inspiration to us all. The chemo sounds nasty but I guess it's a better option than leeches.